NGS OPUS User Forums to be held quarterly

Hello Advisors and Coordinators,
I wanted to make sure you were aware of the February 3rd OPUS User Forum. We will start holding these User Forums quarterly. The first one will be titled, “Overview of the NGS Online Positioning User Service: Where We Are and Where We’re Going”, and the presenters/panelists will be Joe Evjen, Dan Gillins and Dave Zenk. Each forum will begin with an approximately 20 minute presentation, and there will be ample time for questions and interactions with the audience. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to, with the subject line, “OPUS User Forum”.

You may recall we held similar user forums in the past, but they were targeted toward OPUS Projects users. We’re widening the tent in hopes of getting a robust discussion going with our constituents.
Thank you, and please spread the word! (In case you don’t get webinar notifications, you can sign up here.)
Erika Little
NGS Training Coordinator
cell: 240-678-5254