NOAA DataVizEd Resources
NOAA’s Data resources catalog keeps educators on top of their science with online learning tools
Excellent collection of data, lessons and resources for online and remote learning situations.
Resources include full lesson plan and NGSS-aligned curricula, data and content resources, and links to external learning collections.
Highly recommended to share with other educators and educational institutions.
NOAA Education: Educational Resource Collections
NOAA Satellite products for understanding and managing US and global coasts and oceans
Access to regional and global satellite data and products for oceans, coasts, and inland waters.
Data products include altimetry, ocean color, roughness, salinity, sea ice, surface temperatures and surface winds.
Users can search for specific dates and time for each data product.
NOAA Satellites: CoastWatch, Ocean Watch and PolarWatch
NOAA one-stop mapping of real-time coastal observations, forecasts, and warnings
Maps include absolutely everything related to coastal conditions and weather.
Layers for forecasts include lakes, tides and currents, rivers, ecology, and general weather.
Other layer categories include hazardous conditions and threats, watches and warnings, tropical cyclones, and in-situ real-time data.
NOAA Office of Coast Survey: nowCOAST mapping portal
Educators should consider using NOAA’s digital learning resource, JetStream, to teach weather and climate phenomena.
This thorough website covers absolutely everything that an amateur meteorologist, emergency manager, and curious mind would want to know about weather.
Topics include the atmosphere, oceans, synoptic meteorology, chart reading, global weather, observation and data collection methods, and details about specific weather system types.
NOAA National Weather Service: JetStream
NOAA satellite imagery showcases real-time imagery of tropical weather, hurricanes and cyclones
True-color imagery can be viewed and downloaded at any time from NOAA’s GOES satellites.
Users can zoom into maps to reveal stunning visible, infrared, and water-vapor imagery.
Links to recent significant tropical weather news, tracks and imagery.
NESDIS Satellite Imagery and Data: Explore the world in real-time
DataVizEd News and Resources
Telemetry data of your favorite marine mega fauna
Initially started as a great white shark tracker, Ocearch has added many other species
Great for tracking the movement of critters through the course of the year
Data can be layered with ocean remote sensing data to make correlations to movement
Ocearch Shark Tracker:
NASA Earth Observations portal helps people picture climate and environmental changes as they occur on Earth
Over 50 different global datasets are represented with daily, weekly, and monthly snapshots, and images are available in a variety of formats including JPEG, PNG, Google Earth, and GeoTIFF.
Users can download CSV and floating point GeoTIFFfiles for datasets focusing on the atmosphere, energy of Earth, land cover, life, and oceans data.
NASA Earth Observations: NEO home
USGS EarthExplorer offers world-class, free satellite data
Access to Landsat satellite data – a legacy that goes unmatched. 40-years of history of our Earth with consistent spectral bands.
Vertically position yourself with NASA’s ASTER and Shuttle Radar Topography Missions global Digital Elevation Models.
Gain full access to NASA’s Land Data Products and Services including Hyperion’s hyperspectral data, MODIS & AVHRR land surface reflectance and disperse Radar data.
USGS Earth Explorer: https://earthexplorer.usgs.
Time-lapse satellite imagery available from Google Earth Engine imagery catalog
Easy to use; similar to Google Maps search applications.
Time-lapse player bar on the application allows users to scroll through decades of imagery.
Educators can use this to show how Earth’s landscapes evolve over time.
Google Earth Engine Time-lapse:
Esri Offers Students Free Access to GIS Software for Continued Education through Coronavirus Closures
Esri is continuing to provide free access to its ArcGIS platform and learning resources to support college and university students who no longer have access to campus computer labs during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Link also includes instructions on how to gain access to Esri applications, data, and lessons for a free, 60 day trial.
[Note: This is a summary of third-party news, opinion, and scientific literature and is not meant to reflect views of the author, or of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.]