News on GPS and Surveying from Ralph Vomaske:
The local PLSC (Public Land Surveyors of Colorado) chapter met last night in Golden.
Pamela Fromhertz of NOAA National Geodetic Survey (NGS) gave a short presentation on geodesy and coordinates.
Some noteworthy points:
- Coordinate info is becoming more 4d; with more vertical coordinates and velocity vectors (mostly plate motion)
- The geoid is continually being redefined, with updated ellipsoids, datums, and coordinates
- Remember to use the correct ellipsoid/datum combination
- NGS monument data sheets have been changed, old software to read these may need to be updated
- NGS data is becoming more interactive
The above and more will be covered at a four-hour presentation at the
3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Surveyors Summit,
Feb. 28 – Mar 2, 2013 at the Arvada Center.
For more information, go to and
Submitted by Ralph Vomaske, CP
MapWorks LLC
(posted Jan. 25)