List of COVID-19 GIS data layers covering the USA

I curate a massive list of USA-based ArcGIS server addresses.  I just posted an update that includes a section listing the public-facing FeatureServer layers I know about that meet the following two criteria.
1.  COVID-19 related
2.  Cover the USA
If you know of any MapServer or FeatureServer or WMS layers that meet *both* of the above criteria, please let me know and I will add them to the list.  I will include a note identifying the source of the data or the party doing the data collection.

The COVID-19 layer list starts at page 7 of this PDF file:
I included a link to the GISsurfer map I produce that can display these layers.

Joseph Elfelt
Redmond, WA
Twitter: @mappingsupport

(posted on the GISCO listserve 3/31/2020)