Just a quick update to let you know GeoGathering has published the 2013 agenda.
You can view it here: http://www.geogathering.com/agenda.html.
Here are a few links to recent articles about the conference and who should attend:
GeoGathering 2013: Have You Developed Your Geospatial Data Strategy?
GeoGathering Conference Encourages Oil & Gas Operators to Develop a Geospatial Data Strategy
I hope to see you there!
Victoria Skogman
Marketing Manager
2627 Redwing Road, Suite 100, Fort Collins, CO 80526
Direct: 970.225.8920 | Main: 970.267.2000 | Mobile: 970.443.8475
victoria.skogman@newcenturysoftware.com | www.newcenturysoftware.com
(June 5)