Dear Colleagues,
We still have room in our new one-credit online geospatial careers course at the University of Maine at Machias for Fall 2021, starting next week. Please share with anyone who wants to explore careers in GIS and geography and/or ramp up their career prep and job-seeking skills!
Students in GIS 101: Geospatial Careers will develop important career skills and meet and interact with professionals in a variety of geospatial fields. Geospatial professionals will visit class each week to share their education and work experiences, offer advice for aspiring professionals, and discuss strategies for gaining experience in the field. Assignments will help students reflect on their career aspirations, make connections with working GIS professionals, and prepare for an exciting and rewarding career.
The new course will be offered on Tuesdays from 1:00 – 2:50 p.m. and runs August 30, 2021 through December 10, 2021.
To enroll, contact the UMM Registrar’s Office at 207-255-1223 or Any questions about this course or other GIS courses and programs, including GIS certificate programs and the Environmental Geographic Information Science program, please contact Tora Johnson, Chair, Division of Environmental and Biological Sciences at the University of Maine at Machias, at (207) 255.1214 or