I am pleased to announce the publication of a new book entitled Spatial Mathematics: Theory and Practice through Mapping
Authors: Sandra Arlinghaus and Joseph Kerski
In my view this book represents the interweaving of Geography, GIS, and Mathematics.
Video explaining the book, from the authors:
Spatial mathematics and analysis, two different approaches to scholarship, yield different results and employ different tools. This book explores both approaches to looking at real world issues that have mathematics as a critical, but often unseen, component. Readers learn the mathematics required to consider the broad problem at hand, rather than learning mathematics according to the determination of a (perhaps) artificial curriculum. This format motivates readers to explore diverse realms in the worlds for geography and mathematics and in their interfaces.
Enter: GQM05 in your shopping cart for 20% savings.
Complete set of pre-publication reviews by Tobler, Batty, Goodchild, Donert, Hogrebe, Coulter, others:
Joseph Kerski
Joseph J. Kerski, Ph.D.| Education Manager
Esri | 1 International Court | Broomfield CO 80021-3200 | USA
Tel 303-449-7779, ext. 1-8237 | Fax 303-449-8830
jkerski@esri.com | esri.com
Twitter: @josephkerski
(July 15)