Be a Mentor or Mentee: ASPRS Mentoring Program

Dear Colleague,

The ASPRS Young Professionals Council (YPC) has been busy brainstorming ways to assist young professionals entering the workforce and ease the transition from being a Student Member to an Associate Member.  One of the first initiatives we are launching is the establishment of a Mentoring Program.

Mentoring Program

The Mentoring Program aims at providing close interaction between young professionals (mentees) and their ASPRS experienced counterparts (mentors).  The Mentor Program would be available only to ASPRS members as a member benefit and would be accessible only after logging in to the ASPRS website with your user login and password.  We are working towards implementing a mentoring program but it is still in the conceptual phase. At this point we expect to provide a website with a list of potential mentors and their areas of expertise that individuals could view and self-select mentors. But, before we can do that we need to know the specific areas of expertise that mentees are interested in receiving from the mentors and, at the same time, who might be willing to volunteer their time as mentors. With that in mind, we are asking you to fill out the appropriate form:

?         Mentor Interest:

?         Mentee Interest:

To make this initiative successful, we need you to participate.  If you can give some time as a mentor, that will be an important way to give back to those just entering the profession.

If you have any questions or are interested in working with us to implement this initiative please contact Devin Kelley, YPC Chair, ( with your name and email address.

Finally, please try to attend the one-hour YPC meeting on Tuesday, October 29th at the CaGIS/ASPRS Fall Conference in San Antonio, Texas.


(June 24)