News on GPS and Surveying from Ralph Vomaske: The local PLSC (Public Land Surveyors of Colorado) chapter met last night in Golden. Pamela Fromhertz of NOAA National Geodetic Survey (NGS) gave a short presentation on geodesy and coordinates. Some noteworthy points: Coordinate info is becoming more 4d; with more vertical coordinates and velocity vectors (mostly […]
I have been catching up on some reading, including the two below that I thought might be of interest to the ListServ — geography writ on a larger stage, to butcher the quote… Robert Kaplan: ‘The Revenge Of Geography’ Harm de Blij: ‘Why Geography Matters: More Than Ever’ Cheers, GREG COCKS 303-828-7576 (posted […]
Given that my very short presentation on GPS Accuracy during this year’s GIS in the Rockies Conference was well received, I decided to send everyone at GISCO a Christmas gift. Recently I prepared an article on this topic. It is intended as a bridge between various publications, including NGS/NOAA web pages, as an attempt to […]