A new e book is now available: Fire Mapping: Building and Maintaining Datasets in ArcGIS http://www.esri.com/library/ebooks/fire-mapping.pdf 2012 Wildfire User Map Gallery http://www.esri.com/services/disaster-response/wildlandfire/user-maps.html Should you need additional resources for a disaster in your area, please submit a Request for Assistance. http://www.esri.com/services/disaster-response/index.html Esther Worker | Esri Denver Education Account Manager Esri | 1 International Ct | Broomfield […]
Some of you in our community might be interested in the following new book: Mapping Census 2010: The Geography of American Change – an atlas of the American people—who we are, and where we are. Using the latest census data and geographic information system (GIS) technology, this atlas examines how our unique population is moving […]
The end of Terraserver … I remember the days in early 1998 when many of us unhitched our wagons and sat around the campfire and started using Terraserver. Wow – suddenly we had access to georeferenced USGS topo maps and aerial photographs for the whole USA! And while we had to tinker with the header […]